Simple bold fonts
Simple bold fonts

Simple, familiar typefaces are easiest to parse and read because the mind already has or can quickly generate a model for the shapes and patterns of text. Use simple, familiar, and easily-parsed fonts

  • Avoid small font sizes and other anti-patterns.
  • Ensure sufficient, but not too much, contrast between the text and the background.
  • Use a limited number of typefaces, fonts, and font variations.
  • simple bold fonts

    Use simple, familiar, and easily-parsed fonts.For optimal readability and understandability, the key is to avoid those interruptions. It is only when characters or words are unfamiliar or introduce a barrier to that direct pattern-to-meaning process that we must pause to more closely examine or process characters or words.

    simple bold fonts

    This subconscious process allows us to read and understand text content very quickly with high degrees of understanding, even though we aren't even seeing or thinking of characters and words. Instead, the eye quickly scans through text and parses patterns and groups of characters (typically 6-9 characters at a time) which are nearly instantaneously converted into meaning by the human brain. When reading text, most people do not read or parse individual characters or even words.

    Simple bold fonts